Planetary Surface Evolution

The surface of a planetary body records the geological processes that have occurred. The majority of what we do falls under the goal of understanding the evolution of planetary surfaces. This approach makes use of a wide range of data and methods, selected to address a given problem. We give a few examples below, but more details can be found on our publications page.

Perspective view of a small canyon in Coprates Catena, Mars, made with our HiRSE stereo DTM. This canyon contains evidence for a wide range of fluvial processes, including alluvial and deltaic sedimentary depsotion, and aqueous alteration to hydrous mineral compositions.

[Credit: NASA/JPL/UArizona/Peter Grindrod]


Given the importance of water in the search for life, much of what we do involves understanding the role or water in the evolution of Mars. We are particularly interested in the environment of ancient Mars, about 3 - 4 billion years ago, and the state and abundance of liquid water at or near the surface. Recent examples include research projects looking at exhumed river deposits across Arabia Terra, the interplay of tectonism and alluvial deposition in Valles Marineris, and deltaic phyllosilicates and playa sedimentation. More details can be found on our publications page.

Perspective view of Aram Dorsum made by Seán Doran with our CTX stereo DTMs, for the ExoMars landing site selection process. This feature is thought to be an ancient river system on Mars, which was buried and then exhumed by erosion.

[Credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS/Seán Doran/Peter Grindrod]


Landslides are ubiquitous across the Solar System, but the mechanisms responsible for long runout landslides are still not fully understood. We have carried out several different projects that look at these features on the Earth, Moon, and Mars. In each case we have exploited distinctive longitudinal ridges to further understand the underlying processes and conditions during these events. We have also used the emplacement of these landslides to determine the erosion rate of large, sedimentary deposits on Mars.  More details can be found on our publications page.

Perspective view of long runout landslides in Coprates Chasma, Mars, made with our stereo CTX DTM.

[Credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS/Peter Grindrod]